Find a Collaborative Family Professional

Your search for Collaborative professionals, including family law lawyers, financial professionals, and family specialists, ends here

This directory of Collaborative professionals in Edmonton and area provides the quickest and easiest way to find the qualified professionals you need to obtain a divorce or separation without going to court and needing to deal with all the associated costs and stress.

No two people will need the same support — you may need a collaboratively trained divorce lawyer and a financial planner, another couple may need a family specialist for counselling services and a divorce coach.  Yet another couple may just need a family law lawyer who knows how to help a couple through a collaborative divorce.

Divorce Coaches help clients address issues that often create barriers in settling disputes during this challenging time. They will assist the individual by providing them with resources, education, and information, while helping the client to develop positive stress management, goal setting, effective communication, and conflict-resolution skills. Divorce Coaches can also assist with clarifying the individual’s needs, interests, and concerns to prepare them to advocate for themselves in team meetings. This keeps the process moving forward and allows them to be their best self in a two household family.

Divorce Coaches can have an educational background in law, mental health, or finance.

You have multiple search options (All, Family Lawyers, Financial Professionals, Family Specialists).   You can also search by Postal Code if you are interested in “finding a Collaborative  Professional in my area”, or by name and keyword.

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    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T W Z
    Photo of Tammy Olson

    Tammy Olson

    Family Lawyer

    Tammy  graduated law school in 2003 from the University of Saskatchewan before moving to Edmonton and commencing her legal career in Alberta.  Since 2006 Tammy has practiced exclusively in the area of family law.  For over a decade Tammy has been an aggressive litigation lawyer handling matters within the Court system.  However many years of experience in practicing family law has demonstrated that family law disputes are not well suited to the adversarial nature of litigation. …

    Photo of Lorraine A. Stark

    Lorraine A. Stark

    Family lawyer

    Lorraine’s attentive, skilled, calm and intuitive approach has helped many going through the pain and stress of separation and divorce to create satisfying, workable settlement agreements outside of court, bringing peace and closure to their conflict and renewed hope for their future.

    She is a strong proponent of an interest based approach to meet client needs and those of their children.…

    Photo of Owen J. Kirkaldy

    Owen J. Kirkaldy

    Family lawyer

    After completing his Undergraduate degree in History and Political Science at the University of Calgary and his Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws at the University of Alberta, Owen has been practicing in the area of family law for over a decade.  In that time, he has come to realize that traditional litigation is the least effective and efficient process to resolve family disputes.  …

    Photo of Kimberley E. McBain Butz

    Kimberley E. McBain Butz

    I’ve been a lawyer since 2008 and practicing exclusively in family law since 2010.  Clients are happier, have greater peace of mind and have resolutions that are more long-lasting when they come up with an agreement outside of Court.  Collaborative practice is an innovative way to approach divorce and separation and it greatly benefits families.

    If you’re separating from your partner, whether married or not, you already know it’s stressful.…

    Photo of Diane Ferrante

    Diane Ferrante

    Family Lawyer

    Diane is a partner at Duncan Craig LLP and has been involved in matters through mediation, collaborative divorce and within the court system through litigation addressing issues such as child support, decision-making, parenting time, mobility, division of property, and spousal and partner support claims.

    As a trained collaborative family lawyer, Diane actively engages with the collaborative team in every phase of the settlement process, taking on the roles of educator, advisor, and advocate for her clients.…

    Photo of Michelle Roe

    Michelle Roe

    Michelle began her legal education and career in Dublin, Ireland where she was born and raised. Since moving to Canada in 2013, Michelle and her family have called Edmonton their home.

    Since being called to the Alberta bar in 2017, Michelle has primarily been involved on the litigation side of Family Law and Divorce and understands the emotional impact the litigation system can have on families going through the process, not to mention the high costs and long delays.…

    Photo of Carolyn Grogan

    Carolyn Grogan

    Family Lawyer

    I am a registered collaborative family lawyer in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I truly believe that a collaborative approach to your legal matters helps you maintain your integrity while standing up for what you need. It not only reduces bitterness and hostility, but enables you to move forward to a more hopeful future.

    Photo of Catherine M. Zrymiak

    Catherine M. Zrymiak

    Family lawyer

    Having a lawyer by your side as you go through a divorce is the fairway. Divorce is a change and I help you plan that change. You are each experts of your own family, children, income and finances.  You should be an informed decision-maker with your spouse as you plan your future.  CFL is a kitchen table discussion with lawyers and other professionals present to help you make the best decisions for you and your children going forward.…

    Photo of Kathy Drouin-Carey

    Kathy Drouin-Carey

    Family Lawyer

    Kathy is a bilingual (English/French) lawyer who is passionate about collaborative law and helping families. She knows that collaborative divorce is often less stressful than the court system, and children are better protected from conflict. Understanding people, their families, and personal circumstances plays an integral role in all aspects of her practice. With a strong background in customer service and business, and driven by a strong desire to help people, Kathy understands the importance of client engagement, open communication and accountability.…

    Photo of Wendy M. Phillips-Berard

    Wendy M. Phillips-Berard

    Family lawyer

    I assist people with many of the day-to-day legal issues facing families, including transitioning through a separation, planning for death or incapacity, and purchasing and selling family homes. I am very interested in helping people sort through the confusion and uncertainty around a major life change, in educating them about their legal rights and obligations and supporting them in finding a new path forward.…



    The Blog

    Edmonton and area Collaborative Practice News and Information

    Avoid the “Prisoner’s Dilemma” in your separation

    James Samaroden | January 18, 2024

    The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a simple yet powerful thought experiment. Imagine two people, let’s call them Alice and Bob, who are accused of committing a crime together. They are arrested and placed in separate cells with no way to communicate.

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    Fair Settlement

    divorceseparationca | May 3, 2023

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    Neutral Financial Experts Save You Money

    James Samaroden | April 26, 2023

    When going through a Collaborative Family Law (CFL) process, it is important to have a team of professionals to support both parties in reaching a fair and equitable settlement. One key member of this team is the neutral financial professional.

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