Find a Collaborative Family Professional

Your search for Collaborative professionals, including family law lawyers, financial professionals, and family specialists, ends here

This directory of Collaborative professionals in Edmonton and area provides the quickest and easiest way to find the qualified professionals you need to obtain a divorce or separation without going to court and needing to deal with all the associated costs and stress.

No two people will need the same support — you may need a collaboratively trained divorce lawyer and a financial planner, another couple may need a family specialist for counselling services and a divorce coach.  Yet another couple may just need a family law lawyer who knows how to help a couple through a collaborative divorce.

Divorce Coaches help clients address issues that often create barriers in settling disputes during this challenging time. They will assist the individual by providing them with resources, education, and information, while helping the client to develop positive stress management, goal setting, effective communication, and conflict-resolution skills. Divorce Coaches can also assist with clarifying the individual’s needs, interests, and concerns to prepare them to advocate for themselves in team meetings. This keeps the process moving forward and allows them to be their best self in a two household family.

Divorce Coaches can have an educational background in law, mental health, or finance.

You have multiple search options (All, Family Lawyers, Financial Professionals, Family Specialists).   You can also search by Postal Code if you are interested in “finding a Collaborative  Professional in my area”, or by name and keyword.

Search for a Collaborative Professional

Photo of Andrea Remington

Andrea Remington

Andrea Remington Law
Address 9902 – 111 Street Edmonton AB T5K 1K2 Phone: 780-809-3922Fax: 780-482-7148


I pursued a collaborative practice after more than a decade of litigating family matters through the courts, understanding that the court process is not in the best interests of families, particularly after resolution. Far too often, people needlessly spend time and money on the court process – time and money that could go to their families. The adversarial process is frequently expensive, and pits individuals against each other, with children typically getting caught in the crossfire. Even when the matter is resolved the family is often left broken, financially strained and lacking the tools to move forward.

When the circumstances and individuals are a good fit, the collaborative divorce process is always preferable to the traditional, adversarial court-oriented process. In the collaborative space, all involved parties have the opportunity to meaningfully participate in determining the terms of their agreement – voices are heard, parties feel empowered and individuals are equipped to achieve a successful, collaborative resolution. The collaborative process can involve child specialists and financial consultants, as the case may be, which results in a completely tailored experience for each family. In the end, the goal is that the parties have an agreement that satisfies all of their interests and fosters respectful communication that carries over beyond the collaborative process.

As is the case with the clients, having a lawyer that is a good fit is equally important to the process, and often results in a more cost-efficient and workable agreement. I bring to the table my over 10 years experience as a wife, mother and family law lawyer, along with a background in psychology and social work, and recent experience as a Municipal Councillor. My style is fair and firm (in law and parenting) and I have a mind for creative solutions. Above all, the interests of my clients and their families drives my advocacy. I know that my clients have the tools to reach a respectful resolution, given the right environment; I empower them with the advice, information, guidance and support crucial to collaborating toward a successful outcome.

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Edmonton and area Collaborative Practice News and Information

Avoid the “Prisoner’s Dilemma” in your separation

James Samaroden | January 18, 2024

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a simple yet powerful thought experiment. Imagine two people, let’s call them Alice and Bob, who are accused of committing a crime together. They are arrested and placed in separate cells with no way to communicate.

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Fair Settlement

divorceseparationca | May 3, 2023

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Neutral Financial Experts Save You Money

James Samaroden | April 26, 2023

When going through a Collaborative Family Law (CFL) process, it is important to have a team of professionals to support both parties in reaching a fair and equitable settlement. One key member of this team is the neutral financial professional.

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